Getting Started

Installation via package and content manager


v6+ only

  1. Open kicad menu Tools > Plugin and Content Manager.

  2. Scroll down to kigadgets

  3. Double click. Apply transaction.

  4. You are done

Installation via PyPI

pip install kigadgets
  1. Open the pcbnew GUI application. Open its terminal and run this command in kicad 6+

import pcbnew; print(pcbnew.__file__, pcbnew.SETTINGS_MANAGER.GetUserSettingsPath())

This will print 2 paths. Copy that entire line.

For kicad 5, replace that last command with pcbnew.SETTINGS_MANAGER_GetUserSettingsPath() (note the last underscore).

  1. Go back to your external command line or Terminal shell, and run this command, replacing [paste here] with what you copied

link_kigadgets_to_pcbnew [paste here]

For example,

link_kigadgets_to_pcbnew /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ /home/username/.config/kicad
  1. Try it out! Quit and reopen pcbnew application. Open its terminal, then run

pcb.add_circle((100, 100), 20, 'F.Silkscreen'); pcbnew.Refresh()

Developer Installation

(ki) git clone
(ki) pip install -e kicad-python

Then follow the linker steps above.

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